ball Takoma Soccer

From   Nursery   Schoolers   to   High   Schoolers



Who can play?

We have teams for all players - from nursery schoolers to high school seniors.

Children as young as three years old can join if they are ready to kick a ball and play as part of a group.  In general, nursery schoolers should sign up for the "PK-3" or "PK" Division, kindergarteners for the "K" Division, first-graders for Division One, and so on.  First-grade girls and older have the option of choosing "all-girls" or "coed".

ball Register Now! ball

kids playing soccer

ball Calendar ball

  • March 15/16 - Season begins for Kindergarten and older teams
  • March 22/23 - Season begins for Pre-K-3 and Pre-K teams
  • April 19/20 - Spring break - no games for all teams except for PK & PK-3
  • May 17/18 - Season ends

kids playing soccer


Times & Places

We play on fields in either Takoma Park or Silver Spring.  (Click here for a complete list.)

The "Pre-K" and "Pre-K-3" (pre-school) divisions play for one hour on the weekends.  You can choose morning (9 am or 10 am) or afternoon (4 pm, sometimes 3 pm), on Saturday or Sunday.

The "K" (kindergarten) division plays a 90-minute session on the weekends, fun instruction plus a friendly game.  You can choose Saturday (9:00, 10:30 or 3:30) or Sunday (10:00 or 3:30).

First-graders and older have a weekday practice and a weekend game.  All-girls teams always play on Sunday afternoon, and Co-ed teams play on Saturday.


Cleat Exchange

The Takoma Soccer Cleat Exchange is now located just outside the entrance to the Presbyterian Church gym at 310 Tulip Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912.  You can drop off a pair of extra cleats (please tie the laces together) or pick up a pair, all self-serve.  Look for a row of blue-painted wooden bins.  A special thanks to Kyle Gardner who constructed the bins for his Eagle Scout project.

You may return your Takoma Soccer medals to the same location at 310 Tulip Ave in the boxes outside the gym.  These medals will be redistributed, reducing costs and waste.


Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition.


Webmaster: Andrew Partan