Soccer Festival
On Saturday, May 23, 2020, join Takoma Soccer for the Twenty Fourth Annual 4v4 Soccerfest Tournament!
Click here to skip the description and go straight to the entry form.
We have a FAQ
and a Rules document.
Teams of 4 to 6 players from Grades 1-8, with 4 playing at a time, compete in divisions aligned with the existing Takoma Soccer division structure.
Players registered with Takoma Soccer this spring are eligible to play in the corresponding, or higher, Soccerfest division
(for instance, Coed 3 to C-3 or higher, Girls 5 to G-5 or higher).
The tournament is also open to players not registered with Takoma Soccer.
Their division eligibility is based on school grade & gender.
Division play begins with a round-robin Group Stage.
Teams finishing with the most Standing Points advance to single-elimination Playoff Matches to determine the division's
Champion and Runner-Up trophy winners.
Other participating players will receive medals.
All teams play at least 3 matches (except in the case of lightning, heavy rain, or other unforeseen circumstances).
Matches are scheduled to start every half-hour, beginning at 8:30 AM.
Teams generally alternate half-hours playing and resting.
Younger players will normally play morning matches, older players afternoon matches.
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 23, 2020.
Rain Date: Monday, May 25, 2020 (decision will be made by 7 PM, Friday, May 22, 2020).
Lee Jordan Field, behind Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Rd, Silver Spring.
How Do We Enter?
Fill out the team entry form
(sorry, but individual player registrations are not accepted) as early as possible,
including signatures from a parent or legal guardian for players not currently registered in Takoma Soccer,
then mail (by May 9, 2020, please) your fully completed form and entry fee to:
Takoma Soccer Soccerfest 2020
9209 Whitney Street
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Space is limited, so please sign up early!
We will cut off each division as it fills up.
Confirmation for each team entry will be e-mailed to the coach.
If the coach does not have an e-mail address, please designate a team contact person and include that person's e-mail address on the entry form.
Additional information
about the tournament will be forthcoming on
the web site.
Soccerfest officials will endeavor to release match schedules by May 16, 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter.
E-mail questions to Tournament Director Bob Antonisse at
Coaches without web access can call Bob at 301-495-9438.
What Does It Cost?
$20 per player.
Number of Matches?
All teams will play at least 3 matches, except in the case of lightning, heavy rain, or other unforeseen circumstances.
Advancing teams may play up to 6 matches.
Rules of the Game
Match rules follow FIFA's Laws of the Game except as noted below.
The Field of Play measures 40 yards long by 30 yards wide, or as space permits.
The Center Circle measures 3 yards in radius.
Goals measure 4 feet high by 6 feet wide.
A semicircle measuring 3 yards in radius - the Goal Arc - is marked in front of each goal.
Players are not allowed to take position or touch the ball within the Goal Arc.
The Ball:
C-3, G-3, and lower divisions play with a Size 3 ball.
C-4, G-4, and higher divisions play with a Size 4 ball.
All teams should be prepared to supply a properly inflated game ball.
Number of Players:
Teams consist of 4 to 6 players, with 4 playing at one time.
There is no goalkeeper.
The players on a team must all wear the same color jersey.
In case of jersey color confusion between teams playing a match,
the Away Team (as designated in the tournament match schedule) must wear pinnies or alternate jerseys of a contrasting color.
Tournament Officials will keep pinnies on hand.
Substitutions are unlimited but may only be made when play is stopped and with the consent of the Referee.
Substitutions must be carried out quickly.
Players' Equipment:
Shin guards are mandatory.
Cleats are recommended.
The Referee:
Each match has one Referee, who judges goals and out of bounds, calls fouls, and keeps time.
The Referee's decision is, as always, final!
Match Duration:
Each match has two 10-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime break.
Start and Restart of Play:
Prior to starting the match, the Away Team chooses which goal it will attack in the first half.
The Home Team kicks off the first half.
Teams switch ends for the second half.
The Away Team kicks off the second half.
A goal cannot be scored directly from a Kickoff.
If overtime is necessary, the Referee may flip a coin to determine which team chooses ends.
The team that loses the coin flip automatically kicks off.
Ball In and Out of Play:
The ball is out of bounds when it crosses completely over the Touch Line (side line) or Goal Line (end line).
A ball that comes to rest in the Goal Arc is out of play and results in a Goal Kick for the defending team.
The goalposts, crossbar, corner flags, and the Referee are part of the field of play.
To score a goal, the ball must cross completely over the Goal Line and between the goalposts,
and must be shot from the half of the field nearest that goal.
If a shot from the other side of the Halfway Line goes directly into the goal, there is no score and the defending team is awarded a Goal Kick.
There is no offside.
Fouls & Misconduct:
Regulations will follow FIFA rules, with the following exceptions:
Slide tackling is not allowed.
Executing a slide tackle is considered a foul.
Heading is not allowed in Divisions C-5, G-5, and lower.
Executing a header in these divisions is considered a foul.
All fouls committed by a player more than 5 yards away from his/her own goal shall result in a Free Kick.
All fouls committed by a player within 5 yards of his/her own goal shall result in a Penalty Kick.
Players are not allowed to take position or touch the ball within the Goal Arc.
If an attacking player infringes this Goal Arc rule, a Goal Kick is awarded to the defending team.
If a defending player infringes this rule, a Penalty Kick is awarded to the attacking team.
However, if the Referee judges that the ball was going into the goal except for the intervention of a defending player within the Arc,
he/she may award a goal.
The Referee may require a coach to substitute a player who is guilty of serious/repeated fouls or misconduct.
The player must sit out the rest of the half.
The Referee has discretion to apply the "advantage rule", that is,
to allow play to continue to the advantage of the team against which an infraction is committed.
Free Kicks, as opposed to Penalty Kicks, are always indirect.
Before a goal can be scored from a Free Kick, another player (of either team) must touch the ball.
Opponents must position themselves at least 3 yards away from the spot of the kick.
Penalty Kicks:
For C-3, G-3, and lower divisions, Penalty Kicks are spotted 15 yards directly out from the goal.
For C-4, G-4, and higher divisions, Penalty Kicks are spotted at the Center Mark (on the Halfway Line).
Penalty Kicks are taken on an open net; defending players may not interfere.
If the kicker's shot misses the goal, the defending team is immediately awarded a Goal Kick (that is, the ball does not remain in play).
Kick-Ins replace Throw-Ins.
A goal cannot be scored directly from a Kick-In.
Goal Kicks are taken from the defending team's Goal Line at any point between the Goal Arc and the corner.
Opponents must position themselves at least 5 yards away from the Goal Line.
Corner Kicks:
A goal may be scored directly from a Corner Kick.
Group-Stage Scoring
In the first round, or Group Stage, competition follows a round-robin format.
Final team rankings in each Group are determined based on the following Standing Points system:
- Win: 6 points
- Tie: 3 points
- Loss: 0 points
- Each goal scored, to maximum of 3: 1 point
- Defensive shutout (no goals allowed): 1 point
For instance, a team that wins by a 3-0 score receives 10 points.
Teams playing to a 2-2 tie each receive 5 points.
Forfeits are counted as a 2-0 final score in terms of Standing Points and all tiebreakers.
Hence, the forfeiting team receives 0 Points, 0 Goals For, and 2 Goals Against.
The team that wins by forfeit receives 9 Points, 2 Goals For, and 0 Goals Against.
E-mail Tournament Director Bob Antonisse at
Coaches without web access can call Bob at 301-495-9438.